Saturday, June 16, 2007

It's Alive!

I really like the liveplasma site, being visual myself. I also found a lot of bands that made me think, "Hey, I've heard of them, but never listened to them. Maybe I should since they are linked to (insert band I like here)." I did not like the other map one because it kept wiggling! Down with the wiggles! (No offense meant to those who like the kids show, just in my reading materials.)

I played around with widgets a bit, but didn't do too much with them. I mean, fun to look at, but I'm not big on keeping up with the latest. My news is digested in small, sarcastic comments made by the Orlando Weekly. Ok, also on my yahoo site by headlines... But those aren't as funny.

As for the whole, do I agree with Metallica or Napster - um... I still haven't made up my mind. In college, Napster was great! But, at UCF, they put restrictions on it because it was eating up too much bandwidth. I only used it to check out artists I wasn't that familiar with anyways, before I bought the album. Now, I just buy used albums online, so if I don't like it I'm only out about $3 at most.

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