Saturday, December 27, 2008


I'm not big for online college classes. I took a few and... I just like human interaction. However, for the fun "personal growth" sort of things, I really like online media. For example, "How Stuff Works" is one of my favorite sites. I still can't tell you how my washing machine works (because I don't care as long as it does it's job), but I can give you the website to find out for yourself. I've spent hours lost in finding out how things work... or rather, useless information about things like haunted houses and animals of all sorts.

So now you brought me 5 Minute Lifeopedia. Gee, thanks. Now I can watch tons of videos on useless information too. *shrug* Put me on Jeopardy, I'll do great on those odd topics they seem to come up with.

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